Saturday, September 30, 2006

Lightbulb Jokes for Homeschoolers

Cute jokes I found at this blog that I found when I googled "unschooling jokes".

How many unschoolers does it take to change a light bulb?

Dad: "We don't have any dim-bulbs around here!"

Mom: "Well, of course the parents take care of it until the children are ready to learn how to change the bulb. It's a readiness issue."

Blonde Child #1: "What's a light bulb?"

Delight Directed: "If the child has shown an aptitude or interest in the light bulb, we will let him change it by himself!"

Unit Study : "First we will go to the library and check out some books, know the rest of this one :)"

Charlotte Mason: "If the light bulbs go out, we will just play outside all day!"

Classical: "Hark, what lightbulb in yonder ceiling breaks!"

Moore Method: "We will wait until the child is tall enough to reach the lightbulb."

Textbook Method: "We haven't done that chapter yet!"

Blonde Boy Child: "First you let it grow."
Mom: "What??"
Blonde Boy Child: "The Plant."
Mom: "What plant?"
Blonde Boy Child: "Isn't there a plant called a bulb?"
Mom: "Ahhhh, isn't he the smartest thing???!!! That's my smart little sweet thing, give me high five!"

Principle Approach: Jesus said; "I am the light of the world."
So I say, Who needs light bulbs!?

Just a little something to amuse myself this morning.

Homeschool Mami

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